Multivitamins are regularly attacked by the media, with the statement that all-in-one multivitamins are of poor quality and simply do not seem to work.  So, in a world that is polluted, with soil that has been depleted by over-farming, making sure to consume the suggested amount of daily vitamins and minerals is imperative to a healthy life. What needs to be addressed is the quality of the supplements being used to provide our bodies with the vitamins needed where our diet falls short.


Why many multivitamins are inefficient

Firstly, some vitamins and minerals inhibit the absorption of each other!  Secondly, fat-soluble vitamins and micro-nutrients need the presence of fat to be absorbed well.  Finally, some vitamins and minerals have an energizing effect on the body and others have a

relaxing effect.

Simply, the number of vitamins and minerals we actually absorb from the majority of multivitamin pills is relatively low.  There must be a sufficient presence of fat for fat-soluble vitamins, including A, E, D, and K, along with other micro-nutrients like carotenoids and Co-enzyme COQ10 to be absorbed properly.  Lacking fat, the fat-soluble ingredients in the all-in-one multi’s will hardly be absorbed at all, unless taken religiously with fat-containing food.  In addition, certain vitamins and minerals counteract each other!

For example, Vitamin B12 has a stimulating effect, while magnesium has a relaxing effect.  So, taking both at the same time prohibits an individual from fulling receiving the benefits of either, as they effectively cancel each other out.


Do Children need Multi-Vitamins?

As a parent, we want to provide optimal environments for our children to grow and thrive in.  We want the best schools, the best family life, the best activities, the best foods, and the best health care possible.  We ALL know that for optimal health, adults and children should be consuming 7-10 servings of fruits and veggies per day (preferably raw and organic), yet how many are?

Nutritional supplementation with high-quality vitamins and minerals is like health “insurance”, ensuring that the body has available nutrients for daily activities, growth, reproduction, and repair.  These nutrients are an important determinant of how well a child can thrive now, as well as going into their adult years.

Increasing evidence and common-sense support early healthy habits are the true keys to a long and healthy life well into the 100s.  The early habits that are key to our children’s health include effective ways of dealing with stress, good sleep habits, an understanding of their potential, a sound exercise regimen, and excellent nutritional habits.

Several studies have shown increased brain function and IQ in children who have received low doses of high-quality multivitamins.  In one study, the University of California provided school children with low-dose vitamins and minerals for three months.  There was a net gain of 16 IQ points for 24 of the children.  Another study in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology determined that children prone to mood swings and outbursts of anger may benefit from taking a high-potency multivitamin/multimineral.  These findings suggest that increasing the intake of certain nutrients may help normalize brain function in children who display signs of altered brain chemistry.

Annette Dickinson, Ph.D., CRN Vice President (Scientific and regulatory affairs) stated “The medical and scientific communities are rapidly accumulating powerful evidence about the role of nutritional supplements in both health promotion and disease prevention”.