Most whole foods give the body nutrients that actually help to promote wellness, and this is very important during the winter months when many illnesses circulate through the population.  Being able to get fresh fruits and vegetables, even in the dead of winter, is a great advantage in today’s world.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are available year-round, and these are the foods that are most likely to ensure health and wellness, as they impart vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances to the body.  A healthy diet should include all food groups, including fruits and vegetables — 5 to 7 servings per day.

Several vegetables are known to actually prevent cancer, heart disease, and other debilitating diseases.



Make cancer-preventative Brussels Sprouts taste good by taking off the outer leaves and roasting them on a baking sheet with some olive oil and sea salt in a 425 degree oven for 17-25 minutes (depending on size).



Leeks taste much like mild onions and work well in potato soup, or in rice dishes, salads, and other dishes that require onions.  They are tasty and full of antioxidants.



Bake vitamin-rich beets by wrapping them in foil and baking them in a 350 degree oven for an hour.  Cut into small cubes and put them in a green salad with some goat cheese and a drizzle of walnut oil.



Kale is full of iron but has a very bitter taste.  Saute kale in some olive oil, garlic, and balsamic vinegar.  Throw in some pine nuts to have as a side dish.  REMEMBER to massage your kale if you’re eating it raw!!



Inflammation-reducing pomegranate has a tart flavour which makes it good for mixing in with oatmeal in the morning. You can also use the gelatinous seeds for their crunch and large amounts of flavour in salads, yogurt, or on their own.



Kiwifruit is very high in vitamin C, which is known to assist your immune system.  Mix some kiwifruit into a spinach salad to combine immune-boosting fruits and vegetables into one dish.  Win-Win!!



Persimmons contain substances that fix damage to cells caused by diabetes.  Serve the miniature orange-like fruit with a bitter citrus flavour in a dish with some prosciutto and fresh mozzarella cheese.



Guava is filled with the antioxidant lycopene, which could protect against coronary artery disease.  Add raw guava to figs and blue cheese for a heart-healthy dish suitable for a snack or breakfast.



Use pomelos as a dessert additive for sorbet or frozen yogurt.  This fruit is suspected to prevent the spread of cancer cells because of its high density of antioxidants called flavanoids.


Indulge in health-promoting fruits and vegetables all year round, but especially during the winter time.  Not only will they help the body stay well, but they also promote mental wellness with their fresh flavours.  Many healthy fruits and vegetables have strong flavours.  It is possible to combine them with other flavours to make them more delicious and have the family wanting more.


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